Looks aren't everything

Sep 25, 2023
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When a girl feels she is beautiful, it means she has CONFIDENCE. When one is in doubt about his or her appearance, it means he or she lacks confidence. Believe me, there is nothing sexier than a girl who knows who she is and isn’t afraid to let her personality shine through regardless of the size of her hips, what her job is, or the color of her skin. This kind of personality inspires herself and others who see her beaming with an infectious aura. It is very important to be positive so others would engage the same you do positively and inviting. Of course, for those who would engage in conversation or activity with her, she leaves them feeling excited. This kind of confidence is infectious for those who truly want to get involved with good vibes and good feelings surely overflow with good energy.

There are those whose beauties light the world but deep inside there is something they keep, a secret called INSECURITY because beauty is nothing without confidence that you could shine through and infect others the way your eyes beam, the way your synergy which means no mutual advantage compatibility with others to feel you. Before the pandemic, I was at a birthday party meeting all kinds of people and eating delicious foods. I see all female attendees were in nice dresses, and shoes, had their makeup, done, and looked very posh or elegant. So suddenly, a girl arrived in a button-up sweater, a polo, a khaki, and flats- as if she arrived straight from work. Now, as much as we all shouldn’t judge on first impressions – we do it unconsciously anyway. So from my descriptions, you would assume she was a shy girl who doesn’t like to party and kept to herself it was like she got more gorgeous with every second I listened to her speak.

It was really, kind of weird. I mean even physically I started to appreciate every unique feature about her. It turns out she was a young entrepreneur who had started 2 businesses already. She was the youngest daughter of the owner of Gothong Lines, the famous shipping line years back. Her father was the chairman of the ROTARACT Club where I was the President during my college days. That young girl was witty, intelligent, and had a cool sense of humor. A confident girl glows with the beauty that no one can take away from her, as long as she knows what she believes in and stands by it.

Looks aren’t everything if you’re feeling unsure about your looks, your weight, your relationship, what you wanna do in life, and others, start focusing on what you are sure about. And that’s you. You are an expert on yourself. Do what makes you feel alive, what makes you happy. Your fire will burn brighter and you will be able to blaze through everything in your path. This is the same fire that will take you through some of the toughest decisions and struggles of your life.

Confidence is beauty on its own. You some persons that are not even attractive facially but because of how confident they are , people tend to follow them, or fall for them.
I am really sorry to say this, but for me, look is the first thing. I know many people will not agree with me, but look is mandatory, and we have to remember that beauty is in the eye of the observer, so everyone is beautiful in the eye of their lover.
Its true looks aren't everything but to be honest things come easier if you are good looking.
Looks aren't everything but looks bring glory to the person. It doesn't mean that if you're a good looking person your attitude is ugly, no. There are ugly people with an attitude that matches how they look. Further, it's all up to us how to be appealing to the eyes of the people.
Looks aren't everything, what matters is how you carry yourself to get appeal from the crowd. It's the character of the person that sparkles the aura of her or his true beauty, that's within.
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