Making money through small corrupt practices? Everyone is doing it.

Dec 1, 2023
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I am telling the story of a man that was opportune to hold a political position. He just needed to do some small corrupt practices and he would have been mega rich. Small corruption like taking bribes to employ people into the civil service. But he refused. Others that had the same position that he has did the small corrupt practices.

Fast forward to today after the political appointment has expired, that man lives in poverty. His colleagues that were corrupt had investments that has made them super rich now. Was it right for the man to stay upright and remain poor?
This is highly philosophical and complex question! It is more preferable to be poor than been rich with corrupt or tarnished image. In civilized countries, people value integrity more than wealth. Therefore, you need to check your conscience and know your believe system.
Corruption is widespread in most Asian and African countries, often only those who offer bribes get lucrative government jobs and then abuse their powers to collect bribes.
One of my relatives told me that there is no place for honest people in the country, and she is doing very well while I am making great losses due to government online fraud.
I don't want to become rich through illegal activities. I prefer to achieve success by working hard. I have a conscience, and I don’t want to feel guilty about doing something wrong just to gain wealth in the future.
Some people call it being pragmatic. It is quite difficult to stay upright in a system that is corrupt because you would always lose out trying to stay upright.
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