Male or Female for Company secretary: Which would you pick?


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Sep 20, 2024
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The position of the secretarial secretary of a company is very important. And care must be taken to ensure that good staff are used to fill in such positions. Between a male or a female, which one do you think is ideal for the position of a company secretary?
Most secretaries are women because they are considered more attractive, flexible in dealing with company guests, skilled, patient, but female secretaries will be an obstacle if they have to go out of town, especially if they have to stay overnight because they have the responsibility of children and husbands at home, but anyway I choose a female secretary.
When looking for the right person to be a company secretary, it's important to think about their qualifications, skills, and experience instead of their gender. Both men and women can do well in this job if they have key traits like being organized, paying attention to details, communicating well, and acting professionally.
A company secretary is expected to be someone that is very smart and observant. That is regardless of gender.
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