Money is just a temporary illusion of happiness

Sep 25, 2023
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Money is just a temporary illusion of happiness if you cannot manage well your finances. If there is no money because you do not have financial literacy, then you should invest smart. Money needs to be multiplied and not to be abused because that kind of abuse living lucratively, will never last. Stop your illusion but have a good decision to attain your goal to change the version of yourself through the right investment.
Money is just a temporary illusion of happiness if you cannot manage well your finances. If there is no money because you do not have financial literacy, then you should invest smart. Money needs to be multiplied and not to be abused because that kind of abuse living lucratively, will never last. Stop your illusion but have a good decision to attain your goal to change the version of yourself through the right investment.
We need money to live but we can't weigh relationship with money. We can't judge people by the amount of money they have. Money has to be spend usefully and judiciously to lead a happy life.
In managing finances, it is not only about having good financial literacy, but also about controlling emotions and greed, such as in investing, such as when someone holds overvalued stocks and should be sold immediately, but because they are greedy and want to make more profit, they hold on so that the stock price drops too quickly.
We need money to live but we can't weigh relationship with money. We can't judge people by the amount of money they have. Money has to be spend usefully and judiciously to lead a happy life.
In managing finances, it is not only about having good financial literacy, but also about controlling emotions and greed, such as in investing, such as when someone holds overvalued stocks and should be sold immediately, but because they are greedy and want to make more profit, they hold on so that the stock price drops too quickly.
That's true, one needs to control his emotions of greed. He will not profit but may experience loss. Yes, you are tight @aninditasen, we have to value by spending it wisely. Money does not grow on a tree but from sweats.
Even if you are financially independent, you should also spend wisely and make good investments to grow your wealth. If you live a luxurious life and spend money lavishly, your money will be gone very soon and you have to struggle with your personal finance again.
Money does not grow on a tree so we have to be smart. There are many rich celebrities in my country who turned broke and live under the bridge because of overspending or extravagance. Their millions will never come back.
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