Money is King

Sep 25, 2023
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Money is king and it is universally accepted. It is the real picture of our society money overrules and there is no choice for those who are not lucky .Once you have money, power is in you and you can do everything within your power good or bad . We always see this picture not only in a movie but in a real life's situation where the rich abuse the poor and the less privilege individuals. It happens anywhere in the world which is why for an abuse done by the rich the victim is forced to fight by killing the abusive. His wealth cannot do anything like reviving his life. His kingdom is his bank but his true and eternal life is hell.
Money is king and powerful but it does not mean to use it in an abusive way. It's better to donate money to the charity or build some homeless homes for them to live as humans than to abuse people who lack a fortune.
Money is essential and there is no denial about that. It doesn't assure happiness but it does provide the necessities, comfort and luxury to live. There is a limit to what money can do to a person, but there is no limit to what money can get done through a person. It brings power and ease to the person owing it. And that can be used for good or for bad. That's why, it becomes a moral and social responsibility for a good person to have financial abundance so that he can get a lot of good done to society through him. Money falling in hands of bad brings more bad in the world
Money is king. It gives power and stability. It is not true that money cannot buy happiness. How will you be happy without money? Money is power and through it no one suffers poverty. It pays bills, medicine, and almost all under the sun. God never promises His children to live in poverty because He gave everything for humans to explore.
Although money is like a king or even a god, who can control everyone, but personally I don't want to be controlled by money, so I have to do bad things that are against the law, so I have to be able to control money so that life will be more comfortable.
Money is king because we have given it that little blessing, in reality it is only an instrument, very useful, but an instrument at the end of the day, it depends on us if we use it in our favor, or we enslave ourselves in front of it.
The real wealthy people do not waste their money only those who lack financial literacy. Someone from my country won 460 million lotto because he felt proud he did not mind where his money went. After 6 months his wealth disappeared. He's now living in poverty. Gone was his treasure. He wasted his money, instead of investing it spending instead, impulsively for others to enjoy. He's a real dumb.
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Power is power, these days people tend to listen to those who have money, this is why each and everyone of us is working hard to be able to make this money.
Due to government online,financial fraud, slavery in the internet sector, housewives and other frauds faking online income using robbed data are getting monthly government salaries which the real online investor who is robbed is making very less money adversely affecting her social status,
The rich do not understand the poor. They feel proud and powerful with the financial status they have. Money is the main reason why people live in prosperity. Money does buy happiness. When there is no money life is felt useless.
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