Money lands in your bank account from unknown sender and is unclaimed for a month? What would you do with it?


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Sep 20, 2024
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What would be the course of action that you would take if money from an unknown sender gets credited to your account. And no one has called you in over one month to make refunds of that payment. Your bank has not called either.

What would you do as regards such funds?
What would be the course of action that you would take if money from an unknown sender gets credited to your account. And no one has called you in over one month to make refunds of that payment. Your bank has not called either.

What would you do as regards such funds?
I wouldn’t do anything with it. I’d inform my bank about it.

I know that the money isn’t mine to spend.
There was a situation that happened a while back where the bank made an error and a lady ended up with 100k that ddnt belong to her. She didn't waste time she started spending it. By the time the mistake was noticed by the bank she had already used for the 60% of it. She didnt face any consequences.
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