Moving from websites to apps for making money online


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Literary Virtuoso
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Oct 20, 2023
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Increasingly the number of websites which pay online workers is decreasing, while the number of money making apps is increasing. The apps are also paying the online workers, investors more money. Has anyone else noticed this trend?
Increasingly the number of websites which pay online workers is decreasing, while the number of money making apps is increasing. The apps are also paying the online workers, investors more money. Has anyone else noticed this trend?
Yes, large companies are injecting money into marketing applications to reward online workers, but this is not something that is sustainable so far, but I hope this becomes profitable in the medium and long term.
I haven't noticed that trend because the many apps I have tried that promised to pay are scams. This is because I reached and surpassed payout but they never paid me. And I also searched for payment proof online but never found.

I prefer to work on websites but many are closing now. I hope new ones come soon. Some websites like freelance websites have very stiff competition.
for me apps are worse because it is harder to make money for me this way some apps are cool but they are highly depended on your country
I agree with you. Most paying apps are good for people in UK and US. Most apps offer game tasks, offer wall and ptc work. This kind of work is time consuming and almost never pays. I prefer writing websites.
Yes! Of course. Smartphone is revolutionary and highly innovative. Everybody have smartphone and can visit internet anytime. Secondly, it is handy and portable. In fact, smartphone have displaced computers. This is the reason why apps is gradually taking over software
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