Multiplayer or single player game?

Oct 22, 2023
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Video games are one of our best way to enjoy and to spend some free time, and there are two types of playing games which is multiplayer which is played with other players and other members on the games which could be being on similar group or playing against each other, and the other playing's are single player which you play only with your self and with the bots or computer, and from those i personally most of the times enjoy single playing games because i like playing mission games. but also i like multiplayer when i play combat mode and FIFA games.
This depends, for example single player games that have a good story are preferable for me, but if this is not the case, then a multiplayer mode never hurts.
Most of the time i am usually alone, so most of my games are usually single player. Though i have played a few multiplayer games before and it was fun.
Most of the time i am usually alone, so most of my games are usually single player. Though i have played a few multiplayer games before and it was fun.
Yeah the single playing video game is best because we don't need any one to play the game and we can enjoy the game when we are a lone.
Game's are practically different ways when people found they self in the field of play thing with game one opposite must be the best gamer
I like singleplayer games because I'm not a huge gamer I like simple chill games onile games not really intrest me at the moment
Me to i like to play single player games most of the times, since i enjoy story mode games i want to enjoy the story and the game play and the missions of the game.
I am a loner and I only play single mode games. That's why I love Master's league on PES because I love to play with the AI.
It have been quite long time since i play PES, i think the last PES game i played was PES 16, but i love FIFA still my favorite football game,
I am a loner and I only play single mode games. That's why I love Master's league on PES because I love to play with the AI.
I'm not the one who plays with the AI but I can understand why you prefer to play it this way I do not play fifa but maybe I will try
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