Announcement New Member Helper get to Literary Virtuoso


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Sep 8, 2023
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So I have been asked about other ways to get into the Literary Virtuoso group without getting to the 1000 post count. The only thing I could come with was to buy your way in. I just can't give this group to new members. People that have worked hard to get to 1000 wouldn't be to happy.

So what I have come with is a account upgrade that you pay to get into. You buy your way in each month until you get to the 1000 posts. Once your account reaches 1000, you don't have to keep buying this upgrade. So if you do it in one month, the cost is 20.00 and your done. Two months would be 40.00 total and your done. And so on. Members will make up whatever they spend on this over time.

This only puts you into the Literary Virtuoso user group. You earn more D-Bucks per thread and post in this group compared to the others. This doesn't give you bronze, silver, or gold.

For right now, this is Paypal only. This is not setup as a recurring payment on Discussion Bucks. Please check your Paypal.

Of course this is you still following the Forum Rules and Guidelines.

So head over to the User Upgrade Area and check it out.

Any questions, please feel free to post them here.

Thanks everyone. Anthony
JohnNuzumaLatest member