New war, old techniques

Oct 1, 2023
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Even this war show us using most modern airplanes, ships, drones, radars and other tech some stuff are still same.

Russian army start make fake airplanes to confuse opponent army, satelites and drone pilots.

This technique is not new. It is been used in both world wars. British made fake airplanes and tanks from wood before Day D. It should confuse German army so they think attack will come from British island and not from France coast.

There is a movie where Eye of the Needle German spy discover fake airplanes and he must send message to Berlin.

Even with new tech, some old tricks will be always used.

Give us some more examples.
Even this war show us using most modern airplanes, ships, drones, radars and other tech some stuff are still same.

Russian army start make fake airplanes to confuse opponent army, satelites and drone pilots.

This technique is not new. It is been used in both world wars. British made fake airplanes and tanks from wood before Day D. It should confuse German army so they think attack will come from British island and not from France coast.

There is a movie where Eye of the Needle German spy discover fake airplanes and he must send message to Berlin.

Even with new tech, some old tricks will be always used.

Give us some more examples.
Countries do use some fake techniques to frighten their enemies but now they have to use genuine defense material to subdue their enemy country.
Like there is a popular saying that there is notting new under the sun. Almost everything we see and do today have been done at one point in time in history. It might have been done differently but it is still the same thing.
This kind of war is going on almost throughout the world. Pakistan keeps bombing POK frequently which the Indian army has to control. In India during the election especially in Bengal, anti socials and party workers use bombs to get their way.
Faking to distract enemies have been age old technique and it has been used in all wars. Yes, they might be done in different ways. With time, countries try new tricks and may use new technology. But fooling around with enemies have been done since long time and it would continue even in future but with newer tricks.
It is best to avoid wars. Many innocent lives were devasted and many children never experience life, they are so pitiful. One day, we will wake up doomed when a communist country poisons the air.
Sad but true, war has been there since the existence of human beings. It brings so much of devastations. So many innocent lives are lost and some suffer throughout their lives. It's strange that the so called most civilized and prosperous countries have been the participants or the cause of so many wars in the history. It's a shame that we still have ongoing wars in a civilized world.
Even this war show us using most modern airplanes, ships, drones, radars and other tech some stuff are still same.
The race to deceive one's enemies in war is an age-old Lensmans' Arms Race (just look at the Real Life folder for examples).
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