One small business that made the owner a billionaire in one year time

Sep 25, 2023
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Believe it or not, there's one small business in my country that turned the life of a young businessman into something unbelievable. The small business that's meant here is named BONA VITA. Those who are from the Philippines surely know about this business name. The business owner is selling this 8 +1 Coffee Product. I interviewed one staff online and the one seller who delivered me BONA VITA at home.

The business owner started selling this coffee last year. What makes it popular is the marketer. I now believe more in the power of marketing.

The owner hired the best marketer which made him insanely rich. The coffee contains natural ingredients that people like to buy. In fact, I bought 3 boxes with 10 sachets in each box. It's super yummy and boosts good sleep.

From my interview, I learned that in one year, the business owner has sold 600 million boxes at P335 pesos per box.

This business has now 4 people in partnership. What a very profitable business and journey of the business owner. My salute.
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A good business idea is all we need to be future billionaires. A lot of people have made it inmpife from a specific business idea. A good business idea is power.
Agree, there are simple business ideas that could lead us to richness. We only need skills and capital. The coffee business BonaVita started small and now it is building a business empire.
Agree, there are simple business ideas that could lead us to richness. We only need skills and capital. The coffee business BonaVita started small and now it is building a business empire.
That's the essence of a good business idea. You can use the idea to become very rich.
That's the essence of a good business idea. You can use the idea to become very rich.
We have good ideas but the problem is capital. My good idea this time is to operate a foot massage clinic in the city. There is a foot massage clinic here but run by blind people, with no gadgets and right place, they just do it in a church corner My foot massage is for the elite group.
We have good ideas but the problem is capital. My good idea this time is to operate a foot massage clinic in the city. There is a foot massage clinic here but run by blind people, with no gadgets and right place, they just do it in a church corner My foot massage is for the elite group.
I see you doing great already. Just try it out and see how it goes to grow it
I see you doing great already. Just try it out and see how it goes to grow it
I'm scouting for a strategic location, interview people and do a mini research to get the feedback if there are people wanting to have a private foot massage clinic.
Google is another business that started very small. According to story, Google started in a garage. Before one year, google have established itself as one of most progressive company in the world making billions of dollars in one year.
That's true, I read about the history of Google. There are many small businesses that become famous and progressive. We can also make it if we only try hehe.
Nothing is impossible. You just need to be strategic. Our paths though are designed differently. You might not be a millionaire in one year like this person but the major thing is that you are succeeding in your business.
We need to organize a corporation consisting of 5 people who also have the same interest as ours. That is one way, I believe, we could reach our dreams to become wealthy. We need two or more minds to set a certain objective . Concerted decisions must be well-plannned.
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