One way that guys/men squander money is on ladies.

King Belieal

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Take it or leave it. Most men have a weakness when it comes to women and wouldn't mind spending all their money and savings just to impress a lady they fancy.

As a man, have you overcome reckless spending just to impress a lady? How were you able to overcome it? Ladies, have you encountered a man or men that have spent recklessly to impress you?
I have never been like this from the very beginning. The only person I would be spending money on is who am dating and would be my wife. Even at that, there is still going to be some planning on how I spend.
I have never been like this from the very beginning. The only person I would be spending money on is who am dating and would be my wife. Even at that, there is still going to be some planning on how I spend.
And even at that, you don't spend money to impress her. You just do what you have to do for her. Guys lavish money because they want to impress the lady.
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