Online broker or offline broker profitable?

Oct 22, 2023
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Broker on the offline word is a person who intermediaries a business selling and buying process, they connect a buyer and seller and they get some commission from that involvements, and
On the online world brokers who have good financial abelites they buy things stokes and sell them with profit, but which one do you think get good profit and have good financeal stability?
Both online and offline brokers have advantages and disadvantages. Online brokers frequently have lower fees and easier access, although offline brokers may provide more customized advice. Profitability is determined by your preferences, trading style, and ability to manage the selected platform.
Yeah the online brokers have less costs and less fee than those offline one, the thing is on offline broker in order to get money they have to find buyer and seller to mediate, but on the online one they don't need anything like that they can get any profit by trading.
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