• Important Update from the Founder: After a year of growth, changes are coming to Discussion Bucks. Read the full announcement here.

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Open AI vs. closed AI tools.

Oct 22, 2023
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Lately, I have seen people talking about open AI and closed AI, and they talk about which is better and which is not, and I have tried my best to see the difference between those AI tools. Open AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that are able to learn and adapt from new data and experiences, while closed AI refers to systems that are programmed with a fixed set of rules and cannot learn or evolve. In simpler terms, open AI can continuously improve and develop on its own, while closed AI is limited to what it was initially programmed to do.
In your opinion, will the open AI be good and trusted since it updates itself?
Open AI systems give anyone to build on it's API and create it's own version of the AI adapted to its particular needs and proposition.
So do you think that it will be easy to believe those AI's, i mean it will be like Wikipedia right?
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