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Pledge of Confidentiality

Sep 25, 2023
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What do you think about a pledge of confidentiality? What is the purpose of letting the employees sign it despite regular and full-time? It seems that the company, organization, or business lacks trust in their workers. The workers will be forced to sign or else no salary or no promotion and be considered insubordination. There should be limitations in doing this , but there might be a point to avoid sabotage and risks. Have you experienced signing a pledge of confidentiality?
We signed a pledge of confidentiality in the university where I work and employees were stunned because of course, we have loyalty and never will harm our workplace, there is no reason why betray the trust as a regular and full time.
Most times i dont blame companies for bringing this kind of policy cause truth be told, time after time i have seen so many cases where employees betray their companies just to get more money. So to prevent issues like this, this is needed.
Six years ago, the website of the university where I work was hacked. we cannot open the web and the culprit was once an employee in the university but he resigned because of jealousy, He was not promoted. Only his friend was. They are all IT experts, web designers, and webmasters. He was captured in the United States and was repatriated to Ph to answer the crime he committed. That might be the reason why we were mandated to sign the pledge of confidentiality.
BorisKirwaLatest member