Reality Check : Is it really possible for students to save from their pocket money?

King Belieal

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Oct 1, 2023
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I always hear some people say that students should be saving money. It is a good theory. But let's look at reality. Students only get pocket money for their upkeep from their parents. And they have so many expenses to make in school. From lecture materials to practicals, they are always in need of money.

How then can students save? Is it a reality for students to save?
My experience when I was in school, starting from elementary school I was used to saving in a piggy bank, after high school I created a bank savings account, although in a small amount, the important thing is that I can save and practice frugal living and improve discipline.
There is someone that I know who earns just $17 as income but still has a large amount in her savings account.
Yes this where you start teaching yourself as a young person how to hr disciplined and saved
Anyone that can't save as a student won't ultimately be able to save even when they are working. That's because money is never enough to meet needs.
In my country its very possible. Studying in universities is absolutely free in my country. And when you study in a university you get a book allowance and a monthly allowance from the government. If you live in the school premises then you are feed three meals daily and get toiletry allowance. So you will find that allowances that they get they are able to save a small.portion of it.
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