Running a cold room as a business- What are the risks and potentials?

King Belieal

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One of the businesses that I see around me is people operating cold rooms. Their basic service is to get any perishable items you have and store them in a highly refrigerated chamber that would freeze it within a short time to keep it fresh for you. People that majorly patronise them are ice cream sellers and abattoir operators.

How do you see this business? What's are the risks involved in it? Do you think one can make good money to sustain a living from it?
I do not have any idea about that business but I am so sure that it's a good business. It's good to install that kind of business in a populous location like public market. You may advertise your business through word of mouth. The risks could be series of blackouts and high electricity bill. If you sense the bills and other expenses could suffice then it's good to proceed.
Demands for the services of a cold room might not be stable. It is only days that the products of those that sell perishable items doesn't finish that they patronise cold rooms. And those kind of days could be far in between. The best place to site a cold room for it to sell well is close to an open market.
Another risk or hazard in running a cold room is spillage. Whenever there is spillage, it has to be cleaned immediately before it freezes, and workers would always have to take note of sharp ice that forms in high places as this could be risky.
Another risk or hazard in running a cold room is spillage. Whenever there is spillage, it has to be cleaned immediately before it freezes, and workers would always have to take note of sharp ice that forms in high places as this could be risky.
I didn't know about this. It is a really technical aspect of the business which requires that cold room operators put robust measurements to minimize spillage and also control it when it helplessly happens.
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