Running a single business vs running multiple businesses


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Sep 29, 2023
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As an entrepreneur, would you like to run a single business or multiple businesses. Do you think it is better to run multiple businesses or should you focus on single business? Well, I would not like to call myself an entrepreneur but I have tried running multiple businesses and as needed I have hired people to help me run the businesses. Do I make a lot of sales? sadly, no!
I think it is better to run multiple businesses, with this you can have more than one source of income. Though before running multiple businesses, I believe it's best you focus more on a single business and once you have been able to establish it to a certain level, you can include another one.
In general, prospective entrepreneurs start with a single business, after the business runs smoothly and can make a profit, they will expand their business, either by setting up a business in a different location or setting up a new business, but usually businesses that support each other.
I opt to manage a single business and make it big someday. It seems not good for our health. Even if we hire staff but we cannot avoid to monitor, so for me, I have to stick on a single offline and online business.
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