Saving is a sign of maturity; spending is a sign of immatur!ty.

Sep 25, 2023
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Saving is a sign of maturity; spending is a sign of !mmatur!ty, this is a challenge to all of us who do not like to save but to spend. We indeed like to spend but ahead of us will be crucial if there is an emergency or there is a great business opportunity that you can't do because you do not have savings to serve as your capital. There are children whose young minds foresee the benefits of having savings, then how much more to mature individuals who have jobs? It could be a big shame mature people outsmarted with kids. It is not late, you know, you and I can do it. I have already done it when I was 11 years old. Do yours.
In some countries some professionals who save some money are falsely labelled a security threat without any proof, and are targeted for resume robbery by the rich and powerful. to grab their money.
You are right though but it still depends on what you are spending on. If it's on things you do not need and are not important, I believe this can be considered as a different case. All the same,it's good to save.
You are right though but it still depends on what you are spending on. If it's on things you do not need and are not important, I believe this can be considered as a different case. All the same,it's good to save.
That is right, it depends on what was spent and what to spend, In our case, we know well the importance of saving over spending but some people lack orientation about that, so they are wondering why their money does not grow big but almost to sink.
That is right, it depends on what was spent and what to spend, In our case, we know well the importance of saving over spending but some people lack orientation about that, so they are wondering why their money does not grow big but almost to sink.
Very true, most people do not know their needs and their wants, while there are does who knows this, they simply do not have enough discipline to control themselves from spending.
Very true, most people do not know their needs and their wants, while there are does who knows this, they simply do not have enough discipline to control themselves from spending.
That is right, some people lack self-control and self-discipline. they are only after their temporary happiness not minding the result of their actions in the coming days.
It all depends on what you spend. If it's food it's not a waste but if something else to make others happy then that is very impractical wasting money just to bond with friends who may leave you when you're broke.
You are right though but it still depends on what you are spending on. If it's on things you do not need and are not important, I believe this can be considered as a different case. All the same,it's good to save.
Yes, it depends on what one is spending on. if they are very important things then there's nothing important about such.
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