Selling on social sites vs selling on ecommerce markets | Discussion Bucks

Selling on social sites vs selling on ecommerce markets


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Sep 29, 2023
D Bucks
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If you want to run an online business without having to create your own online store you can do it in two ways, one, sell through ecommerce markets like Amazon, eBay etc, or sell through social sites like Facebook, Instagram, etc. Which do you think is easy and more profitable?
I tried eBay selling before, and I made quite a bit of money from it. Although you can sell your items on different e-commerce and social media platforms, I still prefer the former.
I have tried selling on social media before, with the Facebook market place, but it didn't really go well for me. I we give it a try again though.
Selling depends on where you have your target audience if you have them on social sites then it is best to stick to them