Shattered business because of love

Sep 25, 2023
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Don't be dumb because of love. Don't leave behind your business because of a pressured date with your beloved. Leaving behind what you've suffered will let you suffer at the end once the lesson is finished teaching you.

You will only realize once you see your sales going down and the customers slowly disappearing . You can still save it by disciplining and controlling yourself and think of the priority business or love. But love can wait but the business you've sacrificed to start can't wait you. It may leave you bankrupt forever. Think of the steps to avoid failure.
Love or business? Big decision but you are right, love can wait. We can do business for as long as we want - until such time that love will come without seeking for it.
That is right love can wait and it may come in unexpected way but the business is built with money and sacrifices so it is better to decide in depth which is which to avoid regrets of failure , shame, and mockery.
It is indeed not good to overact in love if there is a business you are taking care of. Set aside your relationship because once your business is neglected, you will go back to zero and it might be late for you to resurrect your business.
Only fools sacrifice business for love, even true love does not demand anything from us. A partner who is true love will certainly be patient and understand the priorities we need to live.
You haha said it all. Any love that is true would know that financial and career investment must be prioritized because romance would not run away. One can still come back to it after fixing the business or career needs.
Business and love mean different things so they must be treated differently. While love inspires us but in the absence money, love never develops, so it is better to set aside love and prioritize your business for love can wait,
There needs to be a balance, a person who truly loves you would not let you choose between them and your business because they also understand the importance of business. Then again, true love would not let you completely neglect your loved ones for your business completely.
It is good to have both love and business, but if love starts to adversely impact your business, that's not ideal. Find a balance. In addition, having a supportive partner can be an advantage, so choosing your partner wisely is crucial.
If the person you love does not respect you, there is a reason to stick with that kind of relationship. He must understand that a business requires monitoring and if the one you love keeps disturbing you, there is a big lapse in your business. It is better to love someone who respects your business and not also domineering.
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