Should a high school as a business organization have part time staff?

King Belieal

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Oct 1, 2023
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My friend that owns a school is bitterly complaining that all his staff are applying to be converted to part time staff. And this doesn't sit well with him as the school owner because he feels the staff would no longer be completely loyal to the school.

I am asking, can a school as a business organization run effectively with part time staff?
My friend that owns a school is bitterly complaining that all his staff are applying to be converted to part time staff. And this doesn't sit well with him as the school owner because he feels the staff would no longer be completely loyal to the school.

I am asking, can a school as a business organization run effectively with part time staff?
Yes! Part time staff can but it all depends on the quality and value the staff can deliver. When i was in high school, i have a teacher that is teaching in three private schools. The teacher is a genius in mathematics and none of the school want to lose him.
Yes! Part time staff can but it all depends on the quality and value the staff can deliver. When i was in high school, i have a teacher that is teaching in three private schools. The teacher is a genius in mathematics and none of the school want to lose him.
I had a teacher like that too. He was teaching computer and ICT. The guy knows his onions and no school could afford him full time.
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