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Should I increase the price of my products because demand has increased very highly for my business?


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Dec 1, 2023
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Every business is all about making profits and maximizing same. If my business is so credible that customers trust my brand so much and the demand for my products increases, would it be wrong if I increase the prices of my products above slightly above what others are selling to make profits?
Though it's your business and you can decide to increase the price whenever, but i feel if you were having enough profit with the old price no need increasing it simply because you have a lot of demand, unless in situation where the cost of production has increased.
Depends on how you look at it. If there is a high demand for your product, you may consider raising your price a bit to increase profit. But there is a risk that the price increase may discourage customers to buy and look for alternatives.
If the cost of production has increased, it makes sense to increase the price of the products and it is fully justified. But if you are increasing it just for the sake of making profit, it might backfire. Increasing a nominal as per the inflation might be taken well by the consumers. It might backfire too. Maybe the affordable cost of your product is getting you more consumers.
So, you have to weigh in all factors and then take a decision.
Gowri ShankarLatest member