Should you get close to your customers beyond the transaction?


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Oct 3, 2023
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I see some business people try to get personal relationships with a customer beyond just making sales. They let customers into a bit of their personal lives and get into the private lives of customers too.

Do you think this is safe? Can it boost sales?
If the customers won't get to misinterpret it or use it as a leverage to gain undue advantage over you as a business, it is okay to know a little about their personal lives. It could help you serve them better and build brand loyalty.
I have customers in my small business I befriended, They're nice to talk and through them my customers multiply. They manage to bring their friends to the mall where my milk tea business is installed.
That's good. Being close to your customers can help to bring in referrals as they would always make sure their friend patronizes you as their friend too. And the customer network keeps expanding.
I think it's left for you to study them. There are some customers who I am really close to beyond just transactions, we chat up each other just to check up, not for business. One even invited me for her wedding cause of the close relationship we have. Then there are some customers I simply keep it business related only.
You don't just start being close to a customer you have not known. I can get close to a long standing customer who has a good lifestyle. I love to be close to those elderly customers who show empathy when patronizing me.
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