• We are deeply saddened by the tragic events at Donald Trump's rally today. Please keep the victims and their families in your thoughts and prayers.

Announcement Site Battle Madness Championship Round


Founder and Owner
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Registered Member
Sep 2, 2023
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Site Battle Madness Championship Round
I want to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who has participated in the Forum Promotion's Site Battle Madness contest and has supported Discussion Bucks thus far. Your enthusiasm and commitment have been truly inspiring, underscoring your affection not just for our vibrant community but also for me as the founder of Discussion Bucks. Your unwavering support has been the cornerstone of our journey, and it’s hard to express just how much this means. We've reached an exciting milestone together, and it's your involvement that has propelled us this far in the contest.

As we approach the championship voting, we find ourselves in a unique situation. Both Discussion Bucks and @fords8's website, Peak Forum, have advanced to the final round. Given Ford's significant role as an administrator at Discussion Bucks, I'm committed to ensuring a fair voting process, rather than campaigning for votes solely for Discussion Bucks.

I encourage everyone to take part in the final round of voting, with the freedom to choose as you see fit. Rest assured, there will be no hard feelings from either Fords or myself regarding your choice. Your participation is what we value most. No matter which site emerges victorious, having reached this stage is an incredible achievement, and we are immensely proud to have you as members of our communities.

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I second what @Devin has said.

The gratitude to everyone is just so high. Vote for who you want.

For me this is a win win. If DB wins, I am super happy. If Peak win, I am super happy. So I am going to win either way.
The votes for Dbucks as of this day are only 6 the opponent is 11.
May the best Win in this tightly contested competition. I have gone ahead and cast my vote.
Good luck to both the forums.
You vote my friend let's support DBucks. Click the link and register to be able to vote and then introduce yourself after that, comment at least 10 or more to qualify in the voting for Discussion Bucks.
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