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Some Benefits of Using a Content Delivery Network for SEO

Oct 1, 2023
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Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a network of servers spread across several corners of the world, which can function to deliver web pages and other content based on user geography. CDN will place servers at several exchange points between different networks. The goal of a CDN is to deliver content quickly, safely, reliably, etc. For example, if you have a website on a server located in Tokyo, then users from big cities in Japan will be able to access content faster than users in Paris. One of the efforts we can make to improve SEO using a CDN is to increase website loading speed without obstacles. Apart from that, CDN can take advantage of caching and reduce hosting bandwidth load, improve site security and hosting service interruptions so that user experience will improve. Pagespeed is one of the factors for determining ranking in Google Search.
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