Some times silence is the best answer. what do you think?

Oct 22, 2023
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Some times being silent is the best and right answer for peoples who treat us very badly and expect us to say something, if a person do things again and again even after we told them not to do it, and the best thing we need to do is be silent and see the next move of them. if a person can't understand your words silent is the best answer. what do you think of that?
Some times being silent is the best and right answer for peoples who treat us very badly and expect us to say something, if a person do things again and again even after we told them not to do it, and the best thing we need to do is be silent and see the next move of them. if a person can't understand your words silent is the best answer. what do you think of that?
I ones heard that silence people are very dangerous, because you will never know their next move
I ones heard that silence people are very dangerous, because you will never know their next move
True, silent peoples are very dangerous, imagine holding your felling and never expressing it to anyone, that is very hard, and if they can hold back their emotions they are capable of doing many things.
True, silent peoples are very dangerous, imagine holding your felling and never expressing it to anyone, that is very hard, and if they can hold back their emotions they are capable of doing many things.
Lol, they are always making silent moves which is always dangerous. I think I prefer people that voice out their grievances so that we can squash whatever is the problem.
Lol, they are always making silent moves which is always dangerous. I think I prefer people that voice out their grievances so that we can squash whatever is the problem.
haha, you are right a person who speaks his or her felling is way better than those who keep their feeling inside and who talks with them self's, we don't know what will be their next move, and we don't know that they are thinking.
I completely agree with this. There are times where I just choose to remain silent and not say anything, cause it turns out the more I try saying something or making a move, it's like am wasting my energy, so I would just keep quite and observe. Most times our silence speaks louder than our voice.
I completely agree with this. There are times where I just choose to remain silent and not say anything, cause it turns out the more I try saying something or making a move, it's like am wasting my energy, so I would just keep quite and observe. Most times our silence speaks louder than our voice.
Yeah there are some times we all choose being silent and move one, some peoples don't understand our words and the best answer for them would be silent.
If you think silence is the best answer, then in the case of you being treated very badly by someone else and you just saying nothing means you are also admitting the mistake they are accusing you of, so you have to tell the truth right then and there.
If you think silence is the best answer, then in the case of you being treated very badly by someone else and you just saying nothing means you are also admitting the mistake they are accusing you of, so you have to tell the truth right then and there.
True, being silent when accused falsely by other is accepting the accusations, but there are some times where words don't make a change and even if you speak many time peoples don't change so all we can do is be silent and let them see that they are not valuable to us any more.
True, being silent when accused falsely by other is accepting the accusations, but there are some times where words don't make a change and even if you speak many time peoples don't change so all we can do is be silent and let them see that they are not valuable to us any more.
You should ask for evidence or witnesses, not just remain silent, in your legal case it will be even more serious, and if you have an alibi, that when the incident occurred when you were not there, it would be better to resolve it through court, you see in court prosecutors and lawyers arguing with each other, not silent.
haha, you are right a person who speaks his or her felling is way better than those who keep their feeling inside and who talks with them self's, we don't know what will be their next move, and we don't know that they are thinking.
Yes that's why they are always quiet they don't want you to guess their next action and they can be very sneaky.
Yes that's why they are always quiet they don't want you to guess their next action and they can be very sneaky.
And being with those silent and sneaky peoples is very scary because we don't know when they will change and do what they have been thinking for long time.
Without a doubt, silence can be a powerful response. It allows for introspection, avoids unnecessary conflict, and can convey a level of understanding or respect that words cannot convey. Silence can be used wisely to navigate a variety of situations.
Avoiding unnecessary conflict shows the level of maturity in a persons behavior, avoiding any unnecessary conflict is a wise thing to do and it will also save us from unwanted things.
Yes, sometimes being silent is the best thing to do, especially if the person is not listening to you or doing the same bad things over and over again.
True, some peoples don't change no matter how you tell them and no matter how many times you tell them, they keep doing the same thing again and again and for those peoples it is better to stop talking to them and trying to chnage them.
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