Start tracking your spending habits

Sep 25, 2023
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Start tracking your spending habits while it is not too late. Never wake up feeling broke because of your extravagance and acts of negligence. While it is good to spend on those things we love despite not essential the reality is that the more we spend the more we suffer financial strains in the long run. Money does not grow in the trunk of a tree or enter your wallet freely, but no, the money you and I always have is the fruit of our hard labor. Therefore we need to start tracking our spending habits if we want to always have something on our plates and have some things during the rainy days. It is better to be thrifty than extravagant. Those thrifty people always have money saved in the bank and those extravagant keep on borrowing and spending money i the wrong way. .
This is something everyone needs to do. By the time you begin tracking your spending habit, you would come to realize that you are spending on things that are not even needed.
I spent a lot of money this week and I really feel bad about it
I am currently tracking my spending habit
It's good to know you're tracking your expenditures. It's good to live on frugality this time. Life is so hard and money so hard to find. We need to understand the pressures brought to us by inflation.
If we are used to living a disciplined life and being frugal, we will automatically be able to control our finances. I think it is also normal for us to spend quite a lot of money when we meet old friends, especially for their banquets, so being thrifty doesn't mean being stingy.
If we are used to living a disciplined life and being frugal, we will automatically be able to control our finances. I think it is also normal for us to spend quite a lot of money when we meet old friends, especially for their banquets, so being thrifty doesn't mean being stingI

I appreciate people who are trifty andl live on frugality. They are discipline types and have a self control. I also started to spend less. I was an extravagant and learned from forums that it is not good to save our money for futre use.
When I am still a student or not yet working, I really don't mind tracking my spending habits. Now that I have a job, I realize the value of the money I am earning, which is one of the reasons I keep track of my spending habits. Yet, I still treat myself once in a while, especially if I have something to celebrate with myself.
When we start working, we realize the hardships of working the whole day so we ought to spend less and save more. I was an extravagant type but this time, I learned to live beyond my means.
The longer you can maintain a thrifty attitude and control your money well, the more you will get used to it, so that it will form a disciplined character in finances and of course wasteful attitudes will be further suppressed or reduced.
The longer you can maintain a thrifty attitude and control your money well, the more you will get used to it, so that it will form a disciplined character in finances and of course wasteful attitudes will be further suppressed or reduced.
That's what I observed. I no longer go shopping which I always did before. I'm now hesitant to spend my money on a nonessential things. My family was stunned of my sudden change 😁.
That's what I observed. I no longer go shopping which I always did before. I'm now hesitant to spend my money on a nonessential things. My family was stunned of my sudden change 😁.
This means that you have positive changes in discipline and carry out strategies to save money, so that over time your instincts will become more sensitive to what we should buy and what we should not buy.
This means that you have positive changes in discipline and carry out strategies to save money, so that over time your instincts will become more sensitive to what we should buy and what we should not buy.
I like to see my money grow in the bank. I only spend my money for the food and the monthly bills. I no longer dine outside as what I always do at Goldilocks and Chowing.
I like to see my money grow in the bank. I only spend my money for the food and the monthly bills. I no longer dine outside as what I always do at Goldilocks and Chowing.
If I can't save large amounts of money in the bank, because there are no benefits or no interest, there are only costs and automatically the money will decrease, if we leave it for a long time it will certainly run out. So it would be better for me to allocate it to investment instruments.
If I can't save large amounts of money in the bank, because there are no benefits or no interest, there are only costs and automatically the money will decrease, if we leave it for a long time it will certainly run out. So it would be better for me to allocate it to investment instruments.
I'm saving my money. I have three banks. The proceeds of my business are deposited in the bank while still thinking of a good investment.
I'm saving my money. I have three banks. The proceeds of my business are deposited in the bank while still thinking of a good investment.
I also have a bank deposit but the interest is very small, I don't know why banks in my country carry out practices that are detrimental to customers, even though if we take a loan we will also be charged high interest. Moreover, bank interest will also be taxed.
I also have a bank deposit but the interest is very small, I don't know why banks in my country carry out practices that are detrimental to customers, even though if we take a loan we will also be charged high interest. Moreover, bank interest will also be taxed.
That's true it seems our money doesn't move but when there's a loan applicant it's interest is above the neck. And if missed to pay a single month the interest seems eternal.
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