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State governments making fake claims about bank accounts


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Oct 20, 2023
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In some countries the state governments are openly involved in financial fraud on vulnerable private citizens, especially older single women professionals residing in metro cities. These state governments are falsely claiming that housewives and other well connected frauds residing in the state own the savings, bank account, have the resume of the single woman professional to get the housewives and other frauds lucrative federal/central government jobs. at the expense of the single woman professional. Are state governments in your country openly involved in banking fraud on older single woman professionals, who are migrants to metro cities?
In some countries the state governments are openly involved in financial fraud on vulnerable private citizens, especially older single women professionals residing in metro cities. These state governments are falsely claiming that housewives and other well connected frauds residing in the state own the savings, bank account, have the resume of the single woman professional to get the housewives and other frauds lucrative federal/central government jobs. at the expense of the single woman professional. Are state governments in your country openly involved in banking fraud on older single woman professionals, who are migrants to metro cities?
I'm slightly confused, are you saying that there are some governments that have staff that own the bank accounts of the single women that work for them? Or am I confusing what you say for something else?
Since residents of a state will usually spend or invest money in the same state, the state governments are supporting married women, mostly housewives in their fraud on vulnerable migrant online workers in other states, falsely claiming that the housewife or married women owns the online account , bank account and domains to give the married woman a monthly government salary at the expense of the online worker,investor.
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