The impact of emotional intelligence in business

Sep 25, 2023
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There are highly intellectualized persons but emotionally weak and this is a hindrance to a successful business. If you're an emotionally strong business owner, you're hard to get. You'll not be easily exploited and never be stirred by fabricated stories that tend to damage your business reputation and yours.

Emotionally intelligent business owner prioritises his business' growth over something, wanting to bring his business down. His business becomes powerful being ruled by a straight business operator.
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An emotionally intelligent entrepreneur has control over his reactions per time on issues that happen both within and outside the bush that would affect the business. I believe that before someone steps into entrepreneurship, they should settle things with their emotions first b
Emotions has been the downfall of some many persons. I think to succeed in anything we do, we need to learn how to manage and control our emotions.
Very true. Weak emotions are a weakness in the business world, people will take advantage otherwise. You need strength and not believe everything you hear. Stay true to your vision and don't get distracted by petty dramas, that's how you succeed long-term in this game.
Without control over our emotions, it is very difficult to do business with a lot of people with diverse personalities. Emotional intelligence is necessary in every aspect of life. An entrepreneur should be able to analyze human moods and how to utilize it to his advantage.
We need to learn how to control our emotions. A person who cannot control their emotions might be limited in how far they can go, or how much they can achieve.
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