Time and money wasted due to cheating


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Literary Virtuoso
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Oct 20, 2023
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When a large company cheats customers both time and money of the customer is wasted. A large indian crypto exchange refused to credit a small amount, and I wasted a lot of time trying to get the problem resolved, yet the money is not credited even after three months. If a large company cheats you, do you complain, or just keep quiet?
When a large company cheats customers both time and money of the customer is wasted. A large indian crypto exchange refused to credit a small amount, and I wasted a lot of time trying to get the problem resolved, yet the money is not credited even after three months. If a large company cheats you, do you complain, or just keep quiet?
Cryptocurrency is filled with a lot of scammers. Therefore, you need to be careful how you trend on sites that uses cryptocurrency. Some sites are owned by scammers and they use it to lure unexpected customers to their sites
One of the largest cryptoexchanges here has not credited my account with a small amount even after almost 4 months, In addition to wasting time and money, the user also loses faith in the industry sector.
Whenever there is a cheating case, be it a big business or a smaller less known one, I would do all that is possible in my capacity to raise the concern and get it resolved. We have to report them else they would continuing doing the same with more people. If you are not getting the response, report them on every social median platforms and tag them. They need to be named and shamed.
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