Time spent on social media...are you going to increase it or decrease it.?

Sep 30, 2023
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In the last one week, I have completed few surveys about Social media usage. One question was common to them was about time spent on various social media platforms. Another one was about the time that I will spend on them...will it remain the same, reduce or increase? I have seen that I have cut down the time spent on social media platforms in a big way in the last few years. Social media platforms have their benefits if we make good use of them and no one can deny that. But they can be really addictive and one might end up spending more time there. This might impact other things in life.
I have consciously cut down my time on social media platforms and in coming times, I might try to limit it further. What is your say?
In the last one week, I have completed few surveys about Social media usage. One question was common to them was about time spent on various social media platforms. Another one was about the time that I will spend on them...will it remain the same, reduce or increase? I have seen that I have cut down the time spent on social media platforms in a big way in the last few years. Social media platforms have their benefits if we make good use of them and no one can deny that. But they can be really addictive and one might end up spending more time there. This might impact other things in life.
I have consciously cut down my time on social media platforms and in coming times, I might try to limit it further. What is your say?
I am trying to reduce the time I normally spend on social media sites and this is because I spend too much time on these sites , especially on WhatsApp and this prevents me from doing other productive things.
I do not spend much time on social media platforms since they are highly censored with large tech companies involved. I do not want to waste my time, making posts which will be deleted.
I am trying to reduce the time I normally spend on social media sites and this is because I spend too much time on these sites , especially on WhatsApp and this prevents me from doing other productive things.
I have heard many complaining about that. WhatsApp is easily accessible and people keep checking it every now and then. My husband feels that WhatsApp has reduced his productivity too. He uninstalled it for a week, but that is not w practical way. You need it for your professional things. Better to have a discipline around it. I keep two slots or half an hour each for WhatsApp and other social media things. I never exceed that time limit.
I don't have a specific amount of time I spend on social media though. And then again it is not generating money for me, so there is no need spending much time there.
I have reduced my use of social media platforms. To safeguard my mental health, I deactivated my Facebook account. However, I continue to utilize TikTok to educate myself on stock investing, freelancing, and other topics.
Hmmm... it's been proved by various studies that over use of the social media platforms can be bad for mental health .Good for you to cut down the timing. And it is a good use of TikTok platform that you are making.
I don't have a specific amount of time I spend on social media though. And then again it is not generating money for me, so there is no need spending much time there.
Hmm.. makes sense. One would spend more time if there is a monetary benefit. Good that you have a control over the time that you spend on social media platforms.
I don't have a plan to cut down my usage of the social media especially Facebook. It's on Facebook messenger where I meet my students in our Group Chat. We have blended classes one meeting face to face classes and one meeting virtual so we need to communicate all the time. Social media connects us to the world.
I don't have a plan to cut down my usage of the social media especially Facebook. It's on Facebook messenger where I meet my students in our Group Chat. We have blended classes one meeting face to face classes and one meeting virtual so we need to communicate all the time. Social media connects us to the world.
I would agree there. No matter how much we distaste social media and try to avoid them, we can not totally avoid it especially if we are professionals. We can limit our usage for personal reasons.. But then we have to avail them for professional reasons. I can't avoid WhatsApp as I have to keep checking the various groups from time to time for important messages. Also, LinkedIn is one social media platform that helps you in your profession.
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