Trump and Congressional Republicans Float Idea of Ukraine Aid Sent as Loan Rather than Grant


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(The Guardian) Trump, Republicans float turning Ukraine aid into loan to break congressional logjam
For months, Congress has been deadlocked over whether to approve more aid to Ukraine, largely due to objections from Republicans over paying for Kyiv’s defense against Russia’s invasion.

Now, an idea is gaining traction among some influential lawmakers to break the logjam: turn the aid into a loan.

Lindsey Graham, the Republican South Carolina senator and foreign policy hawk, said that during a recent meeting with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy, “I informed him that given the crisis at the United States’ southern border and our overwhelming debt, President Trump’s idea of turning aid from the United States into a no-interest, waivable loan is the most likely path forward.

“Once Ukraine gets back on its feet, they will be an economic powerhouse because of their access to mass deposits of critical minerals, oil and gas,” Graham added.

Donald Trump, who recently won the delegates necessary to clinch the Republican presidential nomination, has lately proposed that the United States stop giving countries – Ukraine included – aid, and give them loans instead.
Former president Trump have been against helping foreign allies. During his first tenure, he stand against giving helping hands to many countries. Am in doubt if Ukraine will still receive aids from United States if Donald Trump wins the election.
I don't think its' so much that (after all, during his administration he did disburse foreign assistance to numerous countries) as we're now in a time where more and more Americans are reluctant to involve themselves in overseas affairs and are even more reluctant to send tax dollars overseas unless its' absolutely necessary.

By giving it as a loan, Magnus, it ensures either (a) that it gets paid back and we get our money back or (b) it doesn't get paid back and next time they ask we can tell them no.
He had always been this way trying not to help other countries in need as a president of the US. So it isn't surprising to me
He was also well loved by a lot of Democrats before he descended down those golden escalator stairs back in 2015....
I don't think its' so much that (after all, during his administration he did disburse foreign assistance to numerous countries) as we're now in a time where more and more Americans are reluctant to involve themselves in overseas affairs and are even more reluctant to send tax dollars overseas unless its' absolutely necessary.

By giving it as a loan, Magnus, it ensures either (a) that it gets paid back and we get our money back or (b) it doesn't get paid back and next time they ask we can tell them no.
But you should remember that United States actually pulled Ukraine to this devastating war. Therefore, United States should as a matter of moral obligation continue to assist Ukraine. All the NATO members should continue to give give assistance to Ukraine until the war end.
I don't think its' so much that (after all, during his administration he did disburse foreign assistance to numerous countries) as we're now in a time where more and more Americans are reluctant to involve themselves in overseas affairs and are even more reluctant to send tax dollars overseas unless its' absolutely necessary.

By giving it as a loan, Magnus, it ensures either (a) that it gets paid back and we get our money back or (b) it doesn't get paid back and next time they ask we can tell them no.
Your last paragraph said it all. That's just the simple explanation. It is a loan which you would need to pay back or you don't pay back and no aid next time which is appalling
This is very "wonderful" considering the fact that we gave the US nuclear weapons as one of the guarantors of security, but now they still want to give us help in the form of a loan. And when we received the first aid from the USA, everyone was so enthusiastic about this country that it can really fulfill its promises
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