Turning your passion into a business


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Sep 30, 2023
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There cannot be better happiness when one can convert one's passion into a profitable business It is like saying 'All this and heaven too'

I did that with my gardening hobby and interest in flower arrangements and designing gardens. I was lucky I got to do a garden for a builder thanks to someone who had admired my work and asked me to create a landscaped garden for this builder.

It was a huge area where I was able to provide a fountain, flowering bushes, a kids' play ground, a badminton court, a rockery, a lawn, garden lights.....

The image i+s set to size.

What is your passion and would you also think on thse lines if you have not already?
I like eating snacks and always try to make my own snacks, so from there I was inspired to sell my homemade snacks as a business.
I have always loved to put smiles on peoples faces,i like to be a part to offer them security and hope in whatever situation or troubles they are in.One area i feel fulfilled is when working in a hospital.That is the more reason i took a step and enrolled as a medical doctor after so many years of procastination.

Hope i can continue to build on this and explore more areas that align with my "IKIGAI" such as personal development coaching,personal growth and business capacity building.
For me i am already on that path though. I have always loved designing things, it was more of a hobby for me, but at the moment i have started a small graphic design gig for myself. Turning your passion into a business does not mean the beginning would be easy but if you are consistent and hard working, you will definitely make it.
Turning your passion into a business does not mean the beginning would be easy but if you are consistent and hard working, you will definitely make it.
You are very right,it is not an easy route but we are definitely going there as long as we hold stead fast and stay focused towards achieving that goal hence the need to surround oneself in the environment that breeds such.which in most cases is hard to find.
You are very right,it is not an easy route but we are definitely going there as long as we hold stead fast and stay focused towards achieving that goal hence the need to surround oneself in the environment that breeds such.which in most cases is hard to find.
Exactly, most people tend to have This mentality that as long as they have a passion for it, it would be an easy and bumpy free ride. This is not usually the case. Every business has its own levels and areas of challenges.
I have always loved to put smiles on peoples faces,i like to be a part to offer them security and hope in whatever situation or troubles they are in.One area i feel fulfilled is when working in a hospital.That is the more reason i took a step and enrolled as a medical doctor after so many years of procastination.

Hope i can continue to build on this and explore more areas that align with my "IKIGAI" such as personal development coaching,personal growth and business capacity building.
IKIGAI whatever that is I wish you good luck Glad your passion for reaching out is now paying you
IKIGAI whatever that is I wish you good luck Glad your passion for reaching out is now paying you
Two things that you should never mis in life,mmm actually three but i will reserve the third one it is from Israel though just to give you a hint.IKIGAI is the Japanese concept of the route to full hapiness and satisfaction by finding your true purpose and fulfillemt.Continue to work on your IKIGAI or purpose without centering on incentives and somehow incentives find you.The second one is the Chinese concept of the procedure to grow a Chinese Bamboo tree which takes upto fives years just naturing and replenishing the soil without seeing any aorta or trace of growth not until the fifth year and boom it sprouts and grows nine feet tall in just six months.

Now i am going deep as a personal development coach,personal growth:i have been tempted to share the third one,the Jews have a concept to support a business in the local area.They call it FARGIN (in the hiddish langauge).It means if we are in the community,if you are doing something then we buy from.Even if someone outside the community can do it better,cheaper and faster we buy from you.If you get it wrong,we come to you and tell you this is wrong fix it then we buy from you again.Most successful people have found such a loyal marketing network.
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For me i am already on that path though. I have always loved designing things, it was more of a hobby for me, but at the moment i have started a small graphic design gig for myself. Turning your passion into a business does not mean the beginning would be easy but if you are consistent and hard working, you will definitely make it.
I was lucky as I was introduced to that builder by someone I knew very well and the rest was history. It is the first successful venture that can take one places.
You are very right,it is not an easy route but we are definitely going there as long as we hold stead fast and stay focused towards achieving that goal hence the need to surround oneself in the environment that breeds such.which in most cases is hard to find.

I am a writer by profession and I am quite passionate about it. This is why I have always enjoyed making money writing. Pursuing the kind of profession you like makes you a successful person, even though it could take a lots of time. This is a very important point people should know.
I am a writer by profession and I am quite passionate about it. This is why I have always enjoyed making money writing. Pursuing the kind of profession you like makes you a successful person, even though it could take a lots of time. This is a very important point people should know.
I love this and it is very true in every way although other people mis it because the reason there is new and improved hybrid systems is to at least achieve certain things with a little less stress than before in the past.We may not need to use a peak to mine diamonds or gold but rather an excavator and other special mining tools in order to be more efficient.

So passion is key but we can also work smart,we follow all the principle and success may knock on our doorstep even more faster than we expect.That in most cases acts as a stambolic block for us to level up as new start-ups to turn into successful serial business individuals.
Be careful with this idea. You find several storys where people were great cooks and they decide start their restaurant. At end they fail. Why? Running as buisness is much different than just have something as hobby. As hobby you don't have any obligations but in business you have it and it much stressful.
I understand that people often become bored with their work, especially if it becomes a repetitive routine. However, it's important to remember that even though it may feel routine, their work is also their passion and it allows them to earn money to support themselves and their loved ones.
I have always been an authority with words. I just need to put my mind and 1000 words would come rolling on any subject within minutes. I have been making money writing endlessly. Happy that it has been paying me.
Without passion, it is difficult to sistain any business. Passion should comes first before business. If you don't have passion for any business, don't go into it. Many people define their business and life through other people's perspectives and realities. It iscwrong and can lead to failure.
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