Understanding Financial Needs in Life Stages

Oct 1, 2023
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Before we decide to invest, we should understand the needs at every stage of our lives, starting from being single, married and retirement. Understanding your position in life will make it easier for you to determine more specific investment goals. In money management it is not a matter of big or small income but how much you have spent each month, is there still money left to save and invest.
Financial arrangements and planning will also be different at each stage of our lives, so that we do not encounter financial failure at one stage of life which will result in the loss of our dreams.
That's quite true. We should also be able to be sure that we are financially ready for every stage before plunging ourselves into the stages that we have choices to enter. If you are not financially ready to marry, please don't.
That's quite true. We should also be able to be sure that we are financially ready for every stage before plunging ourselves into the stages that we have choices to enter. If you are not financially ready to marry, please don't.
In reality, we often find many single people who are not financially ready but force themselves to the next level or stage of marriage, so that after they get married their financial life will be even more messy.
That's quite true. We should also be able to be sure that we are financially ready for every stage before plunging ourselves into the stages that we have choices to enter. If you are not financially ready to marry, please don't.
In reality, we often find many single people who are not financially ready but force themselves to the next level or stage of marriage, so that after they get married their financial life will be even more messy.
Most people do not realize that they will find it difficult to get a job or paid work after the age of 40 or 45 in some countries. Hence they usually have only twenty years when they can save their money which should be sufficient for the rest of their lives.
Most people do not realize that they will find it difficult to get a job or paid work after the age of 40 or 45 in some countries. Hence they usually have only twenty years when they can save their money which should be sufficient for the rest of their lives.
It would be great if we could realize that when we are over 40 years old, our abilities will decrease, so we need to collect money, either by saving or investing, so that in old age we will not face too many financial difficulties.
Health problems will increase after the age of 40, but older people usually have more experience, knowledge and skills compared to younger people. However, since they do not get any opportunities, they should have sufficient savings.
It is very important to know our financial needs monthly especially the bills, food, medicine, and others to match our financial capacity. As much as possible, we have to set aside a budget for each.
Not only do we know our financial needs every month, but we also have to detail and calculate, evaluate and exclude expenses that are less useful, so that the balance or remaining expenses will be even greater.
Not only do we know our financial needs every month, but we also have to detail and calculate, evaluate and exclude expenses that are less useful, so that the balance or remaining expenses will be even greater.
There are less useful but sometimes tempted to make it useful 😱😁. I need lots of discipline to avoid disgusting feeling buying less useful thing like make up kit 🤢
Most people do not realize that they will find it difficult to get a job or paid work after the age of 40 or 45 in some countries. Hence they usually have only twenty years when they can save their money which should be sufficient for the rest of their lives.
That is why you would see a man that is 69 years old who is supposed be resting and giving counselling to the younger ones actively hustling. People must learn to plan the seasons of their lives financially.
There are less useful but sometimes tempted to make it useful 😱😁. I need lots of discipline to avoid disgusting feeling buying less useful thing like make up kit 🤢
In my opinion, every woman needs to have a make-up kit, so that she looks more energetic and enthusiastic, but it's best to only use one brand, because it might damage your face.
In my opinion, every woman needs to have a make-up kit, so that she looks more energetic and enthusiastic, but it's best to only use one brand, because it might damage your face.
I have many here at home gifted to me by my nieces who work as nurses in UK and from my best friend who married a rich American. I never had bought using my own money lol. That's how my finances are saved on that alone.
I have many here at home gifted to me by my nieces who work as nurses in UK and from my best friend who married a rich American. I never had bought using my own money lol. That's how my finances are saved on that alone.
It seems that you are always lucky, getting make-up gifts from several countries with various brands, but I'm worried about whether all the make-up products are suitable for your skin, of course you have tested the make-up products. BTW, skin care costs are also very expensive.
The needs, priorities and financial obligations differ with different stages of life. And so does the financial planning. With growing age, the obligations increase and then after a peak, it starts reducing. Then it's nothing after retirement except for personal needs. The financial strategies go as per the stages and requirements of life.
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