Unmarried people shouldn't advice about marital happiness.

Oct 1, 2023
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I have seen many religious preachers who haven't married speaking of marital happiness. They advice the married how to handle their relationship. I find that strange. How can someone who hasn't married advice about marital happiness.
Since you used religious preachers as an example, it's probably because they get inspiration from the holy Spirit. Remember the holy Spirit is known as the greatest teacher. Then again it's left for does listening to take these teachers or not.
Since you used religious preachers as an example, it's probably because they get inspiration from the holy Spirit. Remember the holy Spirit is known as the greatest teacher. Then again it's left for does listening to take these teachers or not.
I find most of their advice theoretical as they haven't got practical experience.
Giving advice does not have to come from one's own experience, but can come from skill. A religious preacher and psychologist have knowledge or theories about happy households, so it is natural for them to give advice to people who are married even though they themselves are not married.
Giving advice does not have to come from one's own experience, but can come from skill. A religious preacher and psychologist have knowledge or theories about happy households, so it is natural for them to give advice to people who are married even though they themselves are not married.
Each person has a different personality and the one who has had a relationship with that person can understand what he or she is experiencing. The unmarried haven't had that experience. Normally these people hear from married couples and give their advice which is invariably impractical.
It is true that each person has a different personality or nature. Scientists often conduct research on psychological problems in the household, so that divorce does not occur, so experts are worthy of providing advice on marriage problems.
Sometimes, unmarried people are wiser and more competent than married people. Jane Austen teaches. She was single during her short life, but her masterpieces (Pride and prejudice above all, I advise its reading 😁 ) tell us still to our generations how to wisely choose a life companion. She was the daughter and sister of Protestant pastors and herself was a believer, at the point her masterpieces have been qualified as Christian literature.
Unmarried people, particularly preachers, can offer advise to married couples. It's similar to a marital counselor who isn't married but advises married couples on how to make their relationship work. Despite not being married, I can give advice on happiness based on what I've read or learned from married family and friends. Of course, I will only offer counsel if they ask for it.
It is true that each person has a different personality or nature. Scientists often conduct research on psychological problems in the household, so that divorce does not occur, so experts are worthy of providing advice on marriage problems.
The court too provides decision regarding divorce which is not right. My niece's ex husband just did not want to divorce her just he knew her parents had money and property which she would inherit and the court gave decision supporting him not scrutinizing what his intention was. It's the same thing with unmarried counselors. They advise are just theoretical.
I have seen many religious preachers who haven't married speaking of marital happiness. They advice the married how to handle their relationship. I find that strange. How can someone who hasn't married advice about marital happiness.
In the world what we have most is people wanting to give an opinion about things they don't know or haven't experienced in certain situations, here in my country they call these people false gurus who are individuals who only know the theory, but in practice things are totally different. .
The court too provides decision regarding divorce which is not right. My niece's ex husband just did not want to divorce her just he knew her parents had money and property which she would inherit and the court gave decision supporting him not scrutinizing what his intention was. It's the same thing with unmarried counselors. They advise are just theoretical.
Almost all marriage counselors everywhere are experienced, even though their main goal is to prevent and delay divorce, whatever the reason, but if the woman sues with strong evidence and alibis, the divorce will be decided immediately. That's in theory and practice.
Almost all marriage counselors everywhere are experienced, even though their main goal is to prevent and delay divorce, whatever the reason, but if the woman sues with strong evidence and alibis, the divorce will be decided immediately. That's in theory and practice.
Marriage counselors get experience through case study and some of them are married too but not religious preachers who have not married.
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In the world what we have most is people wanting to give an opinion about things they don't know or haven't experienced in certain situations, here in my country they call these people false gurus who are individuals who only know the theory, but in practice things are totally different. .
You are very right. Some people talk about marriage without having experience. They create misunderstanding instead of solving marital problems.
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In the world what we have most is people wanting to give an opinion about things they don't know or haven't experienced in certain situations, here in my country they call these people false gurus who are individuals who only know the theory, but in practice things are totally different. .
Particularly in our country, it happens fourth grader people claiming to be expert and despite their illiteracy, they adore to play the psychologist game (I saw such a cultural point with my own eyes and they weren't single). Obviously, it's not the same with a true psychologist (or any other expert owning this and that skill).
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