Were You Taught About Money Management By Your Parents?


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When it comes to finance, my parents were pretty bad, they could not save much, they did not invest much, and apart from safeguarding the ancestral property they did not build any kind of assets, But they kept their kids pretty well. They finances their kids education even paid for their kids marriage. My parents did not teach me finance, I had to learn it hard way.
When it comes to finance, my parents were pretty bad, they could not save much, they did not invest much, and apart from safeguarding the ancestral property they did not build any kind of assets, But they kept their kids pretty well. They finances their kids education even paid for their kids marriage. My parents did not teach me finance, I had to learn it hard way.
My sister and I had to manage home finances when my parents went on a holiday trip. That's how I learned managing money.
Yes, because people in my former country are considered among of the greatest savers of the world. I had a wooden piggy bank (in the form of a colourful apple, I still remember) since my childhood. When the apple was full of coins, my father proceeded to invest that money. Repeating the process all months. In any way, considering their era, my parents mainly knew about conservative investments. I learned the rest (medium and risky investments, how they work and when to invest) in the university first and then engaging in further financial studies.
My mom was the kind of person that used to spend lots of money. But my dad was a spendthrift. So I was rather confused. Dad tried to teach me money management.
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