What are some unhealthy competition practices in business you have seen?

King Belieal

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The world of business is a very tough world and if you don't stand strong, you would be thrown into the wayside.

I was talking to my cousin yesterday and he was telling me about how he has toned down on his brand because a competitor went diabolical to stop him from getting all the top jobs. I was amazed that someone can go to that extent just for business competition.

What are some unhealthy competitions practices you have encountered or heard in business?
Whether in business or in your personal life, there is always that person who wants to see you as good but never better than them, human beings are like that by nature, which is why I prefer to do business alone and it is very difficult to find someone who thinks like you to be a partner. or share ideas.
In the internet sector, large companies are openly involved in financial fraud since 2010, falsely claiming that government employees who hate the business owner are paying all the expenses to deny the business owner the income, opportunities she deserved, when the well paid employees do not pay any expenses at all.
The worse is telling lies about the other company and the owner just to make them look bad, so you can steal their customers.
Your competitors won't come out directly for a smear campaign about your business. They would pay someone to just rubbish your business on social media. When once your business has a bad reputation, it is over for that business.
Some business owners would use fake accounts to post negative reviews about their competitors in order to get an advantage or to attract clients from their competition.
This happens a lot. They would end up destroying the reputation of another business just to gain popularity. Others go as far as producing sub standard products and branding it with the brand identity of the competitors to give them a bad reputation.
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