• Important Update from the Founder: After a year of growth, changes are coming to Discussion Bucks. Read the full announcement here.

  • Just a heads-up: I'll be updating the site on Saturday, September 21, 2024, around 7 PM Eastern Time. The site will be temporarily offline during this process, but I'll make sure to back everything up before starting. Thanks fords8!

What are the best tips for managing the personal finances?

So for better management of personal financial finances one needs to prioritise on the basis necessities and minimises the spending on the luxuries.
I agree with that, most times people spend more than they should all because the funds happens to be there and in a matter of time they would go bankruptcy.
Save first before you spend. One thing most people usually do is they tend to save a little after they must have spent all they need to spend. If you want to save more, first remove your savings, then work with the little that is left.
As in my country there is a heavy spendthrift culture, the best to learn how to manage the personal finances would be the subject financial education in schools (as boys and girls don't learn financial education in their homes as Italians and Spaniards do cause a different culture of heavy savers), but unfortunately, such a subject in our schools simply doesn't exist.
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