What are the challenges of being a bank manager?


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Being appointed a bank manager is something that a lot of people covet and would wish for. That notwithstanding, the role of a bank manager might come with it's own peculiar challenges.

A cousin of mine just resigned from his position as a bank manager saying that the challenges are too much. I am asking here, what challenges does a bank manager really face in their jobs?
The primary business of banks is giving out loans and credit facilities. As a bank manager, you have to veto before any loan is disbursed. The challenge comes in trying to balance the risks of issuing out a loan and gaining profits through interest. When a loan goes bad, the manager that sanctioned it has to ensure it is recovered or he takes the fall.
As a bank manager you have to give proper account of all the money that comes in and most especially the ones that goes out. I think the bank manager would have to be the one to pay when their records does not balance.
Working as a bank manager has its own challenges, besides you have to carry out your duties and responsibilities as a manager, you also need not to get angry quickly, not be careless in making decisions, the average rhythm of working in a bank must be faster than working in other companies so that it will make you quickly become stressed and tempted by bribes or committing acts of corruption.
The frustrations of bank customers would all land on the table of the bank manager. It needs patience and tact to handle them all.
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