What are the Disadvantages of Using a Laptop?


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Oct 3, 2023
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While laptops are mostly beneficial to our life, it comes with a couple of disadvantages. Some laptops come with a hefty price tag and yet they can't match the performance of desktop computers. In addition, they are not ergonomic which can result in hand injuries over time and they are quite difficult to fix when broken.
I dislike them because of their low battery life and they overheat easily when used for long periods.
Lol.. I have one that if I put wheel on it will start running... It seems that I will explode If I open one more tab. :)
I don't like them for heavy use. The battery gets bad really fast and they overheat too much.
I dislike them because of their low battery life and they overheat easily when used for long periods.
Yeah, I actually love laptops as it has many features compared to other devices but the battery is always the issue here for me too .I need to get a laptop with longer battery life.
I need to get a laptop with longer battery life.
They all eventually die. I had tried that route before ;) And is almost more cost effective to buy a new laptop instead a new battery :) It's the never ending game.
For me one of the main drawbacks is the lack of ergonomics that laptops offer me for work, at least in my case, I like desktop computers much more.

In addition, desktop computers tend to be more powerful, not all, but most.
The thing that makes me mad about laptops is that its battery life, most laptops battery dies after we use the for some years, and it makes me crazy mad, because imagine spending those money for a laptop and using it as a computer because the battery died and its direct.
Laptops are very easily hacked because they have inbuilt Wi-Fi which cannot be switched off completely. Also they are not durable, they can be used for one year only, some laptops last only for a few months.
I find that some laptops are very slow due to hacking, it takes at least 5 minutes to start since they are duplicated elsewhere. In comparison windows desktops and smartphones, especially new smartphones start quickly .
I dislike them because of their low battery life and they overheat easily when used for long periods.
True but it also depends on what you do with it though, if you are a heavy user then the battery would never last you.
In my opinion, laptops are advantageous only for those who travel a lot, better said they use the laptop while traveling as a necessary work tool. For the rest, the disadvantages you mentioned in the thread are obvious. Above all, the prices of laptops are high compared to their performance.
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