What are the risks of running a drinking bar?

King Belieal

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A drinking bar is a place where all kinds of drinks are sold and patrons come to buy, sit down there and drink. The business booms very well as most men love to stop by on their way from work to take a sip of their favorite drinks, mostly alcohol though.

What are the particular risks of having a drinking? What should an entrepreneur guard against to make such business successful?
Running a drinking bar like any other business out there has it's own share of risk. I think one major risk is the fact that most people tend to use drinking bars as places to hold all kinds of meetings for the wrong things. It is also prone to violence as most people when drunk can do anything.
My ex-mother-in-law owned a beer bar for a few years and the biggest problem was anyone can come in and with enough consumption totally lose control of their actions that can cause serious problems for everyone in the area, even as serious of someone getting shot. It was very hard for her to sell it after that happened.
It is a risky busiess. You need security guards inside the bar and outside the bar. There is another way to avoid trouble, that is to post some rules inside the business center. Your rule must emphasize a NO to violence and whoever creates trouble and do breakages must face to law and pay the damages. You must install a CCTV camera to have evidence.
It is a risky busiess. You need security guards inside the bar and outside the bar. There is another way to avoid trouble, that is to post some rules inside the business center. Your rule must emphasize a NO to violence and whoever creates trouble and do breakages must face to law and pay the damages. You must install a CCTV camera to have evidence.
I totally agree with your points about having security guards to help out with the security of your business. Bouncers that are well trained and strong should be handy to throw out anyone who tries to behave violently in the bar.
I totally agree with your points about having security guards to help out with the security of your business. Bouncers that are well trained and strong should be handy to throw out anyone who tries to behave violently in the bar.
The attitude of the person drunk cannot be controlled,so it's advisable to hire security guards and bouncers. If troubles happen in the bar, some customers may never come back.
It depends on the type of drinking premises that you have set up, there are those where you have low standards and then most definitely various partrons mostly of low income are going to be coming and you are going to experience quite a lot of disturbances and hooliganism. But if you have chilled premises with strict rules like casual smart and certain age limits with a lot of reserves then you are going to have some success. But it takes quite a lot of preparations and funding to set up a reserved quality joint that will attract quality patrons. But still, you can expect a little bit of disturbance which is why there is a need to have a security protocol to smoothen things and control situations.

So if you are following all the outlined rules and regulations and have your security protocol then you probably may not have so many challenges but if it is a low-class place then it will not be easy to control fights, prostitution, and very dirty lavatories. This can even make a premises be closed because of poor sanitation.
I have seen the family members of a person who frequents a drinking parlour storm the bar with policemen accusing the owner of the drinking parlour as the person aiding the irresponsible lifestyle of their family member. I asked how the woman did that. Was the patron hypnotized?
gwolf666Latest member