What are Your Business Goals This 2024?


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Oct 3, 2023
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Annual business goals are set to accelerate growth and business/financial success. If you own a business, what are your business goals for 2024? Some desire to increase sales by 20% or more, expand their business, launch a new product, become more sustainable, and so on.
For me, my major goals this year 2024 for my business is to grow my online presence, I want to focus on more advertising and promoting my business on various social medias and as well grow my customer base.
For me, my major goals this year 2024 for my business is to grow my online presence, I want to focus on more advertising and promoting my business on various social medias and as well grow my customer base.
I know you can do it, my friend. Set up a website, maybe? And do not forget to set up your social media pages. They must look uniform to boost credibility.
I would like to set up self-pacing and automated platforms for products and services that I provide, I would like to ensure that I can make money even when I am not directly active in that venture. I would like my high-income earning ventures to migrate online.
I know you can do it, my friend. Set up a website, maybe? And do not forget to set up your social media pages. They must look uniform to boost credibility.
Yes but I want to work on building my social media pages first to a certain level before I think of creating a website for my business.
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