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What can make you to fire your staff as a business person?

King Belieal

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Assuming we all are entrepreneurs here running one business or the other, and you have a staff or two.

What would make you fire your staff in your business. For me, I would fire a staff that tries to steal from the business and a staff that is insolent to my authority.

What are enough grounds for you to fire your staff in your business?
As fire employee business people, of course if they have violated serious rules such as fraud, theft of company property, making false statements that are detrimental to the company, selling important information to competitors, drinking, gambling, having sex at work,
I am a type of person who really tolerate and forgive and i don't like to take some series decisions without considering it twice, but if a person don't respect his or her job then they gat to go.
I think every business person should have a balance of decisiveness and firmness when it comes to disciplinary issues with staff. You can't just stay forgiving someone whose action has a tendency if wrecking your business.
I think every business person should have a balance of decisiveness and firmness when it comes to disciplinary issues with staff. You can't just stay forgiving someone whose action has a tendency if wrecking your business.
True some times there are some action which can't be forgiven and which can't be ignored and some times it needs right decision to make in order to stop those bad behaviors of a workers.
There are actually so many reasons why I would sack an employee, one of the main reason would be if they are not willing to work. I see no sense in letting them remain when they do not play their part in the business, and show no effort to change.
There are actually so many reasons why I would sack an employee, one of the main reason would be if they are not willing to work. I see no sense in letting them remain when they do not play their part in the business, and show no effort to change.
It could really help such staff if you investigate and find out why the staff don't want to work. It is actually easy to pull the fire brigade approach as an employer but trying to dig deeper could help.
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