What do you termed true love

Sep 29, 2023
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I believe it is becoming very difficult to know true love as people are now getting into relationship for selfish reasons. When you do think you have found true love? What's true love to you now?
I have not experienced true love. I was always a victim of betrayal. Maybe I could consider the love of my foreigner ex from Auckland true love, but so sad, he died 6 years ago due to cancer. He was the true love of my life.
Like you said, it is becoming very hard to find true love. These days people go into relationship simply because of things they can get not cause they really love the partner. One way to find and know true love is one that loves just the way you are for who you are.
I believe it is becoming very difficult to know true love as people are now getting into relationship for selfish reasons. When you do think you have found true love? What's true love to you now?
True love is a feeling that you can understand when a person is in crisis. If you feel shattered if a person you love is in crisis, it's true love. A mother loves her children unconditionally but when it comes love between a husband and a wife that has to be mutual. If any of the partners is insensitive the other cannot reciprocate for long.
Yes true love comes with no conditions. You just love the person because you have strong affection for the person.
True love is a feeling that you can understand when a person is in crisis. If you feel shattered if a person you love is in crisis, it's true love. A mother loves her children unconditionally but when it comes love between a husband and a wife that has to be mutual. If any of the partners is insensitive the other cannot reciprocate forloncomes s
Yes true love comes with no conditions. You just love the person because you have strong affection for the person.
That's true. True love is a feeling that can be understood by one who has loved.
That's true. True love is a feeling that can be understood by one who has loved.
Yes it is a natural kind of feeling which the feelings alone can be understood by the person that's giving it out. it's an unconventional love
Yes true love comes with no conditions. You just love the person because you have strong affection for the person.
Makes sense, true love indeed has no condition. This is exactly why so many people believe there is no true love these days, this is because a lot of people we see today who go into relationships are simply after what they can get from it.
True love is forgiving, trusting, hopeful, and patient to the end.
Yes it is a natural kind of feeling which the feelings alone can be understood by the person that's giving it out. it's an unconventional love
Yes, it is an unconditionsl love that can felt by only by one who loves and is being loved.
I believe it is becoming very difficult to know true love as people are now getting into relationship for selfish reasons. When you do think you have found true love? What's true love to you now?
The term love is very big and deep word, and i think everyone have there ways of explaining what true love is and its different among everyone, in my view true love is making someone who we love happy every time and when seeing their happiness makes me so happy because they are happy and smiling.
True love is like a ghost.
Everyone talks about it.
but only a few have seen it.
Hmmm makes sense though. Not everyone gets to experience it, but i hope i do get to experience it.
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