What do you think that most people don't make investments?

In some cases, the income is very less, and just enough to pay expenses, there is no money for investing. In other cases, people are not financially literate so they do not invest or lead a lavish lifestyle which leaves them with less savings.
I believe there are actually so many reasons for this though. It could be that they are scared to invest much especially now that the economy is unstable. It's better to make use of what they have now rather than investing it and loosing it. For some they have simply not found what to invest in.
@Stardom22 If there is a decrease in investors, it means that previously investors in your country were high, this does not mean they do not have money/capital or do not have investment skills, but it is the result of influences such as the decline in the value of local fiat money against the USD, interest rates, inflation, etc. You will be able to easily see the rise and fall of the number of investors (stocks) in the average daily transaction value on the stock exchange.
Most people tend to be very risk-averse because they have a hard time winning the money and they feel that it is like betting or throwing money away, at least that's what I think.
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