For me l would consider the buying on businesses that tend to sell good quality and or original products at affordable prices. I would prefer the paying for the products in installments for sure.
There are many factors to consider before buying a product for example fruits and vegetables, I have to make sure they are fresh. Regarding the canned goods, I have to make sure that they are not expired. Another thing to consider is the prices if they are worth for the quality of products displayed.
It's important to check the quality of the products if worth of our money. Our money is not a stone. It's also important to consider the transparency of the business owner no hokus focus.
We all aspire to buy quality products that could serve us for years. That will only be achieve through wise shopping. That's one factor once I purchase something, one that can suffice in years.
There are many factors to consider before buying like the brands of the products, the expiry dates, the manufacturers. There are products made from China not worth to buy. The are mostly delicate especially the canned goods, facial cream, toothpaste, shampoo and vitamins. We need to be cautious because our money is not a stone.
I usually factor in the quality of the product, especially when it comes to fruits and vegetables. I do the same way with other products, such as devices.
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