What game fascinates you the most when you play it on phone? | Discussion Bucks

What game fascinates you the most when you play it on phone?


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Jan 7, 2024
D Bucks
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For me when l play the clash of clans. The video game is even more extraordinary. I like it because its a game changer in the strategy based game genre.
For me it's does online games like geshin inpact and the likes.
Clash Royale. It used to be something I played on my smartphone in the past. After I had played it for a while, I got bored of it, so I decided to stop playing it.
I am not much into online and on screen game. I prefer to play outdoor and physical board games. Once in a while, I would play Candy Crush. My younger daughter has downloaded it on my phine and it stays unused on most of the days.
Playing slots fascinates me especially when I am winning. Other games like Cody Cross Puzzle is enjoyable but now I prefer a game that gives me opportunity to earn.