What if you lose your investment?

Oct 22, 2023
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Most of the time when we consider investment plan we only want to see the good part, the profit and getting wealthy from the investment we did, but we don't want to think about losing the investment and we don't think what we do if we lose the money we invested on things.
So do you really agree that when we plan to invest on any thing we have to consider not only the profit but also what we do if we lose the investment and get no profit from the our investment?
Lossing an investment is always painful I know of a friend who collected loan to start a business and soon he loss all the money so he is now into debts that is why it's better to carried out proper research before you take any financial investment
The worst thing that a new business owner can have is falling business, and if we start a business with loan we really have to make sure that the business is very real and safe and we really have to make some research and surveys before starting business with loan,.
Losing an investment might be depressing, but it is part of the risk associated with financial investments. It is critical to learn from past mistakes, rethink strategy, and consider seeking help. Adapting and applying the lessons learned to make educated decisions about future investments is critical to financial resiliency.
Yeah we have to accept that losing is one of the outcomes on an investment and when we start new business we have to put in mind that there is no 100% profit and losing is also one outcome, and planning to overcome the lose is a wise thing to do.
Acceptance is the best to avoid mental and emotional stresses if lose an investment. We can't bring back what was gone. We just hope for the next chance and have a better plan to avoid the same mistake again.
True learning from the pas is a good thing, learning from our mistake will help us in order not to make the same mistake and lose our business again. the business world is all about falling and going up.
I've lost so much to investments that I now consider it even before I start. Every investment is risky no matter how safe it looks because there are factors that would be outside your control.
It should be part of every business plan how you plan to reduce such risks
True learning from the pas is a good thing, learning from our mistake will help us in order not to make the same mistake and lose our business again. the business world is all about falling and going up.
Making a mistake in an investment is uncontrollable which is why you need to have risk tolerance to avoid commission of error. It's always speculated that risk is part of an investment that must need a careful planning to avoid mistakes.
Making a mistake in an investment is uncontrollable which is why you need to have risk tolerance to avoid commission of error. It's always speculated that risk is part of an investment that must need a careful planning to avoid mistakes.
Yeah most of the times its uncontrollable, and its very hard to notice that a risk is coming to our investments, risk management planning and risk control planning is needed for one business in order to survive.
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