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What is a package team? Is it worth it?

Oct 3, 2023
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Yesterday, I got a message from Bizdustry that they are hiring for their package team. I was invited to apply. The problem is that I don't even know what it means to be part of a package team. What would I be doing?

Someone who has the experience of being part of a package team can do well to explain.
It could mean anything though depending on the forum. Am guessing it would be to carry out a specific function. Have gone through the forum or contacted the admin if they can share more details to you?
Yesterday, I got a message from Bizdustry that they are hiring for their package team. I was invited to apply. The problem is that I don't even know what it means to be part of a package team. What would I be doing?

Someone who has the experience of being part of a package team can do well to explain.
As an ex-staff member and member of Bizdustry myself, the package team on there is where you are part of the team that completes forum posting packages or blog posting packages when requested and they will pay you per blog comment, thread or post you complete.

It is a good thing to be part of if you have the time to dedicate to completing the packages.
A package team goes and posts forum posts, threads, and blog comments on sites that request for blog comments, posts, and threads to be posted on them.

Basically a "package" is a group of posts, threads, or blog comments that a webmaster orders for their site. It's like the people who used to pay for Twitter followers. The webmaster of the site who is making the request is paying for other people to come to their site, join it, and make certain numbers of posts, new forum threads, or blog comments. The package team are the people who join the site who fulfill the order.

Edit: @Fidelia I wrote a whole article on what a package team does on Bizdustry, this might be helpful in understanding it. People who do work for the package team get paid a substantial amount for every post that is a part of a package. It's a pretty good deal.
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I understand it to be similar to freelance writing but on a smaller scale for forums that need content. You create topics and posts, getting paid a slightly higher price than what is the norm for normal users.

It requires more dedication and good writing skills.
A package team is a staff dedicated to making bundles of threads and posts for forums and blogs for which they are usually paid, and with this, they help the promotion of the website where they publish.
It is a paid position, you will receive forum credits for being a member of a package team, and your forum credits can be converted into fiat currency. SOme forums pay directly with fiat currency. Some forums are offering as much as 20 cents per post for a package team member.
The place that I really saw this posting packages of a thing was on Forum Promotion. They really take it serious and people are making mad money being part of posting packages.
For me l think that the package team is a group of selected members on the forum whereby they carry out the duties of posting valuable content based on some assigned topics for business purposes. The payment rates are are usually different from the normal posting rates.
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